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Hello Friends :)

I have been a little quiet lately. I'll tell you why below!

Career Updates

I having been adding the degree requirements to University. I am almost finish with these updates. If you haven't already started following along, you can actually follow along with the updates with this post here and this update does include adding more work from home tasks to careers that need it. I expect to finish this by the weekend.

Side Gigs Mod

I will be working on this but I am not going to start it until I finish the career updates. 

Searching Mods

It is important to use the search function feature to search for mods. You can use tags or actually search for the title of a mod. This is important when searching for mods that have been merged into either one file or one post.

Other Things

Mods are updated unless noted otherwise on the monthly update post. You can find that post here and a second reminder it is recommended to check often for mod updates. Updating the game is solely on the player.

I have received some messages about assisting with tutorials, but at the moment I am unable to. There are a lot of them out there through Discords that have creator assistance, but at the moment I am unable to assist with tutorials. I don't mind asking a question here or there but I am unable to make tutorials. Between modding, I am a gradate degree student and I work as well.

Ask questions below! 



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