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Big thanks to Devi for voicing Toga!

Phew! So sorry for the wait on this one! Toga was a really nice change of pace for me. Drawing a more yandere-like character was very refreshing. I'm also glad I figured out Patreon's video system, so I can get you guys exclusive animation stuff now without having to redirect to Twitter or Newgrounds. Kind of sucks that there's no thumbnail though.

I had a ton of fun with this one, and really liked doing an animation request for you all. However, I think this will be the only one I do for awhile while I work on other things like Ruby (Progress made on that btw). For April, I don't think I'll have time to do another animation, since I have some scheduled commissions to work on soon.

Thank you all for your patience and support!






Beautiful animation worth the wait


Video in link won't play :(


Looking into this. Let me know if it works for you at any point while I try to find a way to get a mirror link.