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I'm sorry guys but these last few days I have felt sick, thank God it's nothing serious, I went to the hospital and the doctor told me that it was just a Throat Infection! I was scared to be honest ๐Ÿ˜“ but Feel free to cancel your tier if you wish because honestly I don't know when I can feel better, I know that I still have several more requests to do but I will try to work on them little by little so that they are ready as soon as possible โญ

I thank you with all my heart for the support you have given me throughout this time, I know I am not the best but I have a lot of fun doing Request and SFM ๐Ÿ’• Stay safe in these difficult times and I hope to recover soon~! ๐Ÿ’™



Hope you feel better soon ๐Ÿ‘


Enjoy your break and take as much time off as you need Hope you recover soon~


Good luck,. yeppers. P:


take care bro


No rush in the requests brother, your health is first, take that well deserved break, we understand and weโ€™ll be waiting for your return, hope youโ€™re better soon, please take care!


Please feel better soon. Take whatever time you need to get well

Benji Fox

Get well soon dude. ^_^