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First of all i want to warn you: from 24th of this month up to 1-2 of the next month i can be without good enough internet connection. War, sorry...

Anyway i hope that i already give you something good for experiments. Will be more :)

About next plans:

1. My global target - creation of fully functional game body replacer (with support of body colours, morphs etc...). Presets base - only first move. I hope i will have good result on this :)

2. For now i have understanding of how game body files works and making of replacer is absolutely real thing but it takes time due to complicated files structure. A lot of routine work and time.

3. Besides of all i will work with armors adaptation for new body presets too.

4. Warrior body preset will be updated to new format (with new head part)

5. Futanari options will be for all presets.

                                                  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!



Thank you for your always great work in difficult situations. The most exciting thing is the body type colors, Warrior Update, and the Futanari. I can't wait for the next plans!


Stay safe, Trix!

Akira Kurusu

Thanks again for your work on ER producing awesome lovely and high quality mods for it! The war is truly regrettable but health and safety always come first so take your time and we understand that these are extreme circumstances and difficult time's too be and live in. Take care of yourself m8 and stay safe out there 👍💖💖💕💕💕💕