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Sheesh, this is one helluva sticky situation Marissa's gotten herself into; trapped between the sloshing tongues of her two greatest rivals, Maxine and Lisandra!

Luckily for Marissa, she quickly realizes she's actually in a dream; a particularly steamy one at that! Good thing too, otherwise, this could've been a lot worse! 


Ya'll can thank CMWaters for this little tongue tied tale! Really fun pic to work on, so I hope ya'll enjoy! Question for the audience btw: who do you think should get to swallow in the end? ;D




Either that or Lisandra has her thinking it's just a dream. Either way, thanks for indulging me with this. :)


Maxine? Who is she? 😯


My girl Maxine is back!


Check out her tag on this post to see some of the other stories with her! She's Marissa's coworker, and self appointed rival.


She's actually been in a lot of sketches lately! I think not all have made it from Discord to here yet, but soon!


Oh I know. I'm in discord too! It'd be great if she gets a part in a story project or mini game like the ones you usually make with Sheograth. But now that I think of it imagine Maxine and Lisandra actually becoming a couple, or just partners in-crime to put Marissa specifically through the ringer...geez. xD


Oh okay, I always forget who's where, and your comment made me think maybe you weren't XD And I won't say too much, but there is at a full color pic where she's the focus for the next Toetally Overworked 👀 the pic is already done, just gotta do the rest for the story! So be on the lookout ;D


Can't wait


How does one access the discord 👀