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Oni live dangerous lives, especially the tiny ones. They're vulnerable to all sorts of things, yet somehow they persist. Is it bravery that pushes them forward and keeps them alive? Or dumb luck and blissful ignorance? Only those who live to tell their tales can know for sure!

This poor sucker who thought he'd score a chesty snack is not counted among the fortunate XD


Another Encounter! To clarify, this series is not taking over or anything over Toetally, it's just easy to produce for as I'm working on other things. I don't know if anyone was particularly worried about that, but I figured I'd clarify before any confusion could develop XD 

That said, I hope ya'll enjoy this piece, and that you're having fun with this little sub-series in general! 




I was scared for toetally but still love this series as well, hope to see it kinda as much as Beni and George, this one looks beautiful with the angle and I love the designs of the outfits and characters


I’m loving these. Everything you draw is gold


It's good to have a series you can make quicker while you're busy with bigger projects! Because these are a fun change of pace compared to your Toetally stuff.


Yup, no need to worry, Toetally is still my primary! I'm working on some interesting stuff for it rn even 🤫 That's a good comparison, I'll probs do it around the same frequency as those stories. I figure I'll at least do enough to sell as a set at some point! And I'm glad you like it, the composition and characters were fun to work on!