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Weaker Oni should know better than to challenge their much larger counterparts....

Lore Lesson: Oni undergo a number of physical transformations depending on their diet. The typical lowest Oni start out as blue, then with intake of enough blood (human or otherwise) they become red. Consumption of Oni blood will result in a lack of horn growth or other abnormalities. Alternatively, intake of human blood allows for healthy curved horns. 

Legendary Oni are those who have consumed massive amounts of magic; be it from humans, other Oni, or otherwise. This results in their red or blue color only manifesting around the horns, and human like skin colors for the rest of their body. Many Legendary Oni are extremely pale from sleeping in caves and underground, but this is not universal. 


This was also just going to be a colorless sketch, but here we are XD Also, as you can see above, I decided upon some extra lore the explains the varied physical features of Oni!

These stories are fun as an exercise in world building and just being able to do whatever, so I hope ya'll enjoy them as much as I do :D




Your lore stories are amazing love the detail on how each Oni is different


Gee. This makes me dream of the top legendary oni goddess


Thanks! I really love coming up with lore like this, so I'm glad you're enjoying it!