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Beni makes no attempt to hide her hostility towards unwelcome tinies from her diminutive husband. However, that doesn't mean she needs to tell him every single time she pops some puny punk. It'd be like getting a notification every time you stepped on an ant 🤷‍♀️


Most Beni & George stories are told from George's point of view, so I figured it would be fun to change things up for this one! As soft and loving as Beni is, she's certainly still not someone to mess with, especially if you're already a troublemaker in her eyes. 

I've been doing lineart in my spare time, just need to get the opportunity to color them in 😅 once I finish this last paper, my posting schedule should return to normal more or less!

Anywho, hope ya'll enjoy :D




George continues to live the dream


Been a long time since you posted something about this couple :)