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What's New?

  • Stephanie's Base Schedule
  • New Location Hub: College
  • New Location: College Library
  • New Location: College Gym
  • Added Character: Chelsea
  • Added Character: Nikki
  • Added Character: Frita
  • New Character Creation Options
  • New Mechanic: Innate Personalities & Subtraits
  • New Aura selection screen
  • UI Update for Traits and Flaws
  • New Mechanic: Intimacy Threshold
  • New Mechanic: Courage Threshold
  • New Mechanic: Sexual Preference

What's It Mean?

Stephanie's Base Schedule

You can find Stephanie studying in the college library most weekday mornings. You can find her doing homework in her room most weekday evenings. You can find her sleeping in her room every night. During weekend mornings you can find her watching cartoons in the livingroom. More to come in the future obviously.  

New Location Hub: College

Similar to Maggie's living room, the College Lobby connects two other locations, the Library and the Gym. In the future, the Lobby will be where you purchase courses, should you desire to do so.

New Location: College Library

The Library will be a good location to find people to help train your mental and social skills. 

New Location: College Gym

The Gym will be a good location to find people to help train your physical and social skills. 

Added Character: Chelsea

Chelsea has been added to the game on the back end. She has no content yet, but you can now spend character creation points on her should you wish.

Added Character: Nikki

Nikki has been added to the game on the back end. She has no content yet, but you can now spend character creation points on her should you wish.

Added Character: Frita

A version of Freddy has been added to the game on the back end. This is the version where you had Stephanie distract Freddy, and they became a couple...after Stephanie made some adjustments...

New Character Creation Options

Many new Character Creation Options have been added. All characters have recieved at least one new trait, and Stephanie and Maggie have recieved a couple new traits. The amount of Character Creation Points given in a new game has increased to 60 as well.

Innate Personalities

Innate Personalities, are specific traits that become the default. What that means is, if a character becomes an Innate Degenerate, so long as they do not have any other personality trait (such as Impulsive) active, they will gain the Degenerate Personality Trait automatically.

Sub Traits

Sub Traits are temporary traits that can build into other, much stronger Traits, if you can collect all of the subtraits listed on the character at the same time. All Innate Personalities require Sub Traits. This is the early stages of this system, so don't expect a lot from it yet. More to come.

New Aura Selection Screen

In preperation for adding in Humanitas, next update, I created the Aura selection screen. You can now have 1 Tech Aura, 1 Bright Aura, and 1 Dark Aura active at a time...though, that doesn't mean much currently. There are only 5 dark aura's in the game right now, and they come from Polymorphism.

UI Update for Traits

Traits are such a big part of a character, I felt I needed more room to show them all. I gave temporary Traits (includes Subtraits) thier own tab, and shrunk the traits down to a smaller size. I also gave them icons, and each trait type has it's own color to give more visual clarity.

UI Update for Flaws

The old Flaws list has been changed to list all passives (including flaws). Now all those little passive modifiers that Billy might collect throughout a week will all show up in the passives lists. For Clarity, I've also added some innate flaws for the few flaws that remove gated traits, such as Anilagnia and the Old trait. Owning the power that gives the flaw grants the innate. Regardless of whether you choose to equip the power or not. Equipping the power (and passive flaw) just makes encountering those indvidiuals affect your Willpower much harsher.

Intimacy Threshold

I've changed how a character determines if they'll sleep with Billy. It's with this stat Intimacy Threshold. Intimacy Threshold represents how much Lust that character has to have, in order to be willing to become intimate with Billy. The more intimate the action, the higher the requirement. For example: If a character has an Intimacy Threshold of 30, and Billy wants a blowjob from them, then you'd add the cost of the action (blowjob=20) to the person's base Intimacy Threshold(30). That character would need a lust of 50+ to be willing to give a blowjob. So, the lower the intimacy threshold, the more that character is DTF.

Courage Threshold

If Intimacy Threshold is how easy it is for Billy to talk his way into thier bed, Courage Threshold is how easy it is for Billy to Coerce, Intimidate, or Scare them into his bed. Courage Threshold works just like Intimacy Threshold but rather than using Lust as the stat to measure against, you use Fear.

Sexual Preference

With the addition of Nikki, I decided to give all characters sexual preferences. I've also given Billy the tools to modify these prefrences. Most importantly, Sexual Prefrences determine a characters Intimacy, and Courage Thresholds based off which Gender you are playing at the time(if you're using Polymorphism).

That's it?

When Planning for 0.02.00 I did not know at the time that I was going to get so annoyed with the save engine module I had purchased years ago that I'd decide to build my own save engine, which would then make me redesign the entire structure of the game to resolve some timing issues...so yeah...I ran out of time. But I did get a lot of new stuff and content in the game, and have even more groundwork for a lot more stuff to be added in the future.

Gimme Gimme!

Download: Mega 

Backup Download: Dropbox (only use if Mega doesn't work in your area)




Will MC's powers and relationships status be tranferable to SP 2


Question about console in SP1. How do I enable console on my PC (windows)? Cant seem to get it to open so I can enter cheat code.