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 Hey everyone!

Here's where we're at currently with 0.14.00.

  • Sandra Base Poses: 100% Rendered
  • Sandra Basic Interactions: 100% Rendered 80% Scripted
  • Sandra MC Interactions: 70%
  • Sandra Contact Interactions: 0%
  • Sandra Negative Interactions: 0%
  • Sandra Unstable States: 0%
  • Larson Unstable State Obsessive: 80% Rendered 0% Scripted
  • Larson Unstable State Nympho: 0%

I was going to start working on a new Test build this weekend, but after looking at what was done so far, I realized that with only 2 more days of work, I could finish the MC content for Sandra as well, so I decided to do that instead. Sorry for the slight delay, but it's a slight delay with purpose :) I've finished doing all the Full Renders for MC, and only have to do the Overlay images now (those are a bit quicker) and do the code work for Sandra. I'm gonna try and get those done tonight after I get some sleep. (I've been working all night and it's now 4:30am and I need to catch some sleep and give my eyes a rest from my monitor for a bit. So in a nutshell, there should be a test build for 0.13.30 released to all $20 Patrons to begin testing and exploring within the next 2 days.

As usual, I'll be streaming at https://picarto.tv/NightCityProductions from 2pm to 6pm CST Tuesday thru Thursday. 




will there be a vote about the next school character to be implemented? or has i already been had? Great work btw!


The last vote was for the next three characters. Sandra, Chelsea, then Mary. So I'll hold a vote as soon as I start working on Mary for the order of the last three girls. Though now that I think about it. It's not really fair for some, that are patrons now, not to get a say, while some people who may not even support me anymore have a say. So Perhaps I'll hold a vote when I start working on 0.15.00 For the next character instead.