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Hey everybody! Time for another weekly update :D


 Larson Part 2 : 35% rendered

School Library Study Action: 100% rendered 100% scripted

Intro Part 3: 100% rendered 100% scripted

Temporary Intiniative Location: 100% designed

Basic Initiative Training:  100% designed

Bonus content: Additional Coercion scene for Mom from the last Milestone: 100% Rendered 100% Scripted

Possible addition: Kelly Library reRenders 0%

Now on to further news! As a test run, today I will be doing some live workstreaming at https://picarto.tv/NightCityProductions until around 7pm CST . This is more of a test run for the latest milestone reward. This will be different than my twitch streams in that I will not have  a mic active, and will most likely be listening to music while I work. I may still answer questions in chat on occasion, but really, this is just me working, so if you want to see me work on some naughty scenes for Principle Larson feel free to swing by :D




So are those released into the test build yet?? Or would that be happening over the course of the weekend?? Also, I was curious if there was a possibility of you adding a system in the future that allows you to let's say pay a visit to Larson's house or any of the other students. I was also curious if there would be a future option to head over to the mom's room or to sneak out at night. I mean if you have the power of being able to fly, your not exactly in any danger, and when the future powers come out that allow you strength and indestructible skin, Just some things I am curious about is all, but I love the game thus far man, great job very very creative!!!


Ahh, well thanks for getting back to me on this, first time I became a patreon for anything, and can honestly say, I look forward to what this game will become. Super powers and all. :D