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Hey all...wanted to give everyone an update on my progress with this Dev cycle so far. I am finishing up the big refactoring project probably today. As the attached images show, I've made a few tools in the process that will dramatcally speed up the content creation process for SP2. Which is quite welcome, since previously, adding content took a lot of time just due to the large amount of manual configuration that needed to be done. I've cut a lot of that out, and made tools to automate even more of it.

Next week, I'll be focusing on new content, starting with Patrol Actions. Followed by a few new locations (Globex, College), and then I'll start working on Stephanies default schedule.

Also...I'll be doing my End of the Month Livestream this weekend...I know it's a few late, but I was neck deep in code and didn't want to lose my place, plus, weekend EoM streams seem to be easier for people to join. So yeah...Sat and Sun...come join in. Anyways..Gonna get back to work now. There's a few bugs I still need to iron out with the new engine. 




Dude, from one developer (business applications) to another - that right there shows a lot of dedication to this work. Kudos to you my man that you can still find motivation after all these years and platform changes. These two pictures right here make me want to double my membership.