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Here's the low corruption pictures for Principal Larson



Maik Decker

BUG?!? v0.10.10Bugfix (and probably earlier) The girls weekly income is bugged! Both Kelly and Samantha seem to have a weekly income of $40. Worker Drone is supposed to double that income, but somehow I do not see that increase in game for those two. It works on mom, though. Just checked the pow_MC.rpy. At lines 313 to 366 you define the effects for caracter reprogramming. The additional income seems only to be defined for mom (line 334 and 340 for worker and sexbot). Guess it's because you wanted to put in that rent reduction at drone/worker drone state, too. Solution: move the lines that read $ char.income+=char.income and $ char.income+=20 up above the if char.ikey=='mom': line in both cases. Unless you only want sexbot to give those extra $20 income for mom, due to the girls doing "toilet duty" at school. ^^ Tried it and did a short check. Problem seems to be solved after the change.


I have experienced an exception error in 10.10, while in a private session with Samantha.


The latest build should fix that. I'd recommend downloading the game again. Also, please keep your bug reports limited to the release announcement posts. You reported the issue on one post, and the error message on another. Not very conducive to helping me fix the problem.