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Hey all,

I thought it was good time to get everybody caught up on progress. First off...Becky's new AT has been implimented and I'm more or less done with ironing out it's bugs. So I'm pretty much right on track there. Becky tends to take longer than the other characters due to the party renders. And I have now started on Gina's new AT.

I've also continued to do work on updating SP characters forSP2. I've gotten most of the more popular characters built with Gen8 models now. Which is good. I'd like to be able to sprint toward a working game, as soon as possible next month, and having art assets ready to be used will be a big help in being able to do that :)

So here's my current planned schedule. I have about 3 weeks left of Loser dev. Then I'll take a short break to deal with any bugs in Loser, and finally finish the last SP1 update. Then 8 weeks of SP2 Development will start. I'm pretty excited about all of it :) Hope you are too :D




Hi, first of all huge congratualation for your work (you give me the will to try to learn how to make porn game like this). And sorry to distrub but did there is a discord channel here? And finally how do i get the item joint in Loser? I have the black market but i dont know how to have acces to it.

Graeme Cracker

Just joined, curious: is SP2 going to be a remake or a sequel?