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Here's the weekly update for everyone :D

Instability states Renders 50%

Instability state coding 50%

Bedroom Visual update 100%

Negative interactions GUI 100%

Negative interactions coding 100%

Negative interactions rendering 50%

School mechanics 80%

School GUI 100%

School renders 100% (for this update anyway)

Psychosism GUI 80%

Psychosism coding 40%

I'm mostly done with the must have's for the next update. There are some portions of rendering I'm waiting to do once I have my new computer. It should arrive either Thursday evening or Friday morning So if you haven't voted, You have  a few days left. I had planned on finishing up Psychosism this week, but lost two days to a wicked migraine, so I plan on coding like some sort of crazy person between today and thursday, to ensure the only things left to do when my computer arrives is render a few (approx: 25) images and be able to push it out for playtesting for at least 3 days. So the next release is a tentative July 8th. Tentative is the key word. 




Awesome, hope the new computer helps.


Awesome !!!