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Hey everyone! Here's my weekly update.

Instability states Renders 50%

Instability state coding 50%

Bedroom Visual update 100%

Negative interactions GUI 30%

Negative interactions coding 20%

School mechanics 80%

School GUI 100%

School renders 100% (for this update anyway)

Psychosism GUI 20%

Psychosism coding 20%

I've spent the last week focusing pretty hard on building the school, and planning out Project: School Pop. I should have a test build out for my $20 patrons either tomorrow or Wednesday, so that it's fully tested before 0.07 is released. 

I should be ordering my new computer on Wednesday, and am quite excited about it. As soon as I put in the order, I'll start a low level vote on which characters will get built out first, so keep an eye open for that vote later this week.



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