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Hello everypeoples. Just giving another end of the week update. 

In the first week I did a lot of Refactoring, and QoL improvements. I also started adding in the new Lifestyle feature.

This last week I've finished the 2 lifestyle options that I plan to add this update (more to come in future updates). I created the park location. I've given Lisa a proper store action. I've created numerous new actions and interactions that pertain to Lifestyles, or the park, and created a new job in the park. And I've created the starting AT for Richard. 

I initially planned to add two jobs, but the second job will take even more work than the first, so I've moved that to back of the line. If I have time near the end of this cycle, I'll add it in, but I'm ok with it getting cut if I can't get to it this release, and adding it in the next release. 

As of today however...I'll be starting work on Gina.



Karl from Norway

You need to do something with your font... Some description has a think white font..... On white coloured background.... I can't read sh*t 😅 I want to know what item I'm missing in order to flirt with Charlie. I know the requirements is in the description... But I can't read it... Due to the reason I stated before 😅