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Hey all,

I've most likely turned into Gollum at this point considering how much time I've spent hunch over my keyboard. I ran into an issue that was causing serious lag within the unity inspector, and had to redesign part of the scheduler (last Loser's updated code). That wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but I had to remake every AT's schedule (again). either which way, I'm finished, and unity no longer has a 10 second delay anymore. I've also finished Charlies new AT, as well as built a sex mini-game that I'll be implimenting for all characters once you can get them knocking boots with you. I'm also almost finished with Dianes new AT.  So that's good news ^_^ I'll probably have another test build out tomorrow. 

This scheduler issue has put me behind a bit, and I'm giving myself until end of next week on Loser. If it takes longer than that, Then I'll begin my normal SP development, and will finish this update in my off time. While I'd prefer to only work on one game at a time, the first few weeks of SP dev are generally just rendering a lot and writing, and I'm ok with pushing the writing off a bit. I'm gonna do my best to make sure that Loser Dev doesn't take that long though. Anywho back to work. If you want to mess with the test builds, join my Discord channel and hop into the Loser-game channel. Lots of cool people testing the game. Some of them know the game better than I :P




May I ask how old you are? Just curious with the Gollum comment