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Hey everybody, 

I've been fighting a headcold since last friday, so I have been somewhat sluggish this week, but the new test build was released yesterday, and I am now working on the additional content for the 0.31.00 release, which will come out next monday.  I will then be taking 2 weeks off (except for the $30 stream on the 28th & 29th) for xmas. But then starting on the 8th, I'll be back at work. Normally I rotate from a character dev month, to a story dev month, to try and minimise burnout, but I think the two week vacation should do the trick nicely, so by the end of January, I'll be finishing off Terri's Fetish, obsessive, and nympho scenes.

I see the end of a very long project drawing near as the school is almost finished being populated, and am excited to get on with different parts of the game :) It's become harder and harder as the school's characters have been developed to not feel like I'm just rewriting the same thing over and over again, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that I've been stuck writing for high school students for so long. Even in the RAGs days of the game, the school was the largest concentration of characters in one place, and I was happy to be done with it then, and I'll be happy to be done with it now, once I finish Terri, and Chelsea.

Speaking of....Normally I do a vote once a character is finished to vote on the next character for me to work on, but that's not really an option here, since Chelsea is the only character left, but since I know people like votes, It's been recommended to me that I hold a vote on some of Chelsea's outfits instead. So I'll be doing that. I'll be holding a vote on her three most uninhibited outfits. The first vote will be posted a little later today and will last until after my vacation.

TLDR: 0.31.00 out on Monday, I'm on vaction for 2 weeks after monday, $30 stream on the 28th & 29th, Votes incoming, Terri will be done by the end of January, almost done with the school characters = YAY!



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