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Hey people!

Still chugging along with Terri here's where I'm at now.

Basic Poses = 100% Rendered

Phone Pics = 100% Rendered

Basic Interactions = 30% Rendered

Power Interactions = 0% Rendered

Invite Over Action = 0%  Rendered

Maybe this month:

Negative Interactions = 0% Rendered

I should finish her Basic interactions and start working on her Power Interactions (Dance,Bend Over, ect) this week.

I kinda hurt myself this weekend and haven't been able to sleep since noon yesterday, so I'm about to chug some Nyquil and pass out, SO I'll be moving my Livestream back a day.

You can catch me Wednesday - Frisday 1-7pm CST at https://picarto.tv/NightCityProductions rendering images for the game.




We don't have a test build out yet with her in it, but we'll likely have one within a week or so


Super hot nerd 🤓