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Hey everybody! Time for the weekly update.

So I spent all last week rendering storyline scenes, and the actual storyline is coming along nicely. Here's a quick list of what is planned.

Storyline introduction: 100% rendered

Storyline Branch 1: 100% rendered

Storyline Banch 2: 0% complete

 Storyline Banch 3: 0% complete  

Suppression: Wild Oats: 100% complete 

Larson's 3rd Professional Favor: 100% complete

Low Health Repercussion: 100% complete

Kombat Mechanics: 100% coded 

Kombat UI: 0% complete

Improving IDP training: 100%

After working most of last weekend, I took an extra day off this weekend, but am back on the horse now, and should have a new test build out for all the Testers early next week. If I finish rendering the first 3 Storyline Branches next (unlikely) I'll add that in the test build. If not (more likely) I'll at least have most of the other stuff implemented for the first test build. (except Kombat) I'll be focusing on combat last since it'll need the most TLC, and I want to have a lot of time to give it that needed attention. On another note, for all my $30 Patrons, I have been working on your Hi-Rez renders after hours, and should have them done in a day or two. 

I have changed my livestream schedule a bit, Now I Stream Tuesday-Thursday 1pm CST - 7pm CST. For a net gain 2 more hours as a whole, while also giving me mondays back to focus on coding and writing. I was finding it hard after streaming to focus on coding. So now I have sundays and mondays dedicated to writing and coding, and tues- thursday for rendering, along with the occasional unschedule stream, and for stuff I want to be remain surprises for even my stream viewers.




Low Health repurcussion aka How Your Nympho Mom killed you.


Why is Allie looking so scared?