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Started working on a new comm, it'll take a bit to finish the sketch, I'm still halfway through it, also not sure yet about how many variants I'll make, still to be discussed. Anyway my arm is back for the most part, I'm not pushing it so no pain or cramps, but gets really tired/numb after a while so the nerves are prob still inflammed somewhere. The cause is just overusing it, so the best thing I can do is not pushing it too far, it's a slow process it'll take weeks or months to completely pass. I'm thinking if I can make a second drawing by the end of the month but idk my workflow is kinda all over the place now, I'm really sorry. Honestly I can't wait for it to pass completely so I can draw more than ever. Mmm also for blackfriday I'm planning to or either change tablet or pc case, or both if I can find some nice deals. Considering to switch to a non screen tablet, cuz it would definitely help my arm, also I need a new case cuz mine's tiny. The temperatures and airflow got pretty bad since I got (this enormous) GPU this summer, I need to upgrade to a bigger case sooner than later umu



javamation studio

This is freaking sexy. Take good care of yourself fam.


I always enjoy when you use this angle for an image! Take your time and go easy!