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Ra'kashnia loop - is an OC from rogue courier

Tracer - a popular character from the game Overwatch

Yoko Littner-the sexy sniper from the anime Guren Lagann

Tsunade pin-up -our all time favorite Hokage from Naruto

i hope you guys like these new stuff . i was planning to do 1 more pic but i guess i run out of time . I over estimated myself .

so anyway , i didn't post update on RC mainly because , me and PCG is uncertain how is it gonna be in the actual game . and as i expected , i will have to redo stuff that i submitted to him . upon testing the UI , the text are quite small .  i will have to re-size every single one of them . 

so i'm pretty much gonna focus on that part now . i think i can post updates about RC this month . probably some mid december .

so yeah , that about all for now . thanks again for your patronage . you guys are awesome



patreon activity 12-2016.rar

MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.



I think MediaFire already took the files down.




the link is actually working on my end . i don't know what is wrong on you guys . but i'll see what i can do


problem fixed . try it again guys


Cool pics -especially the Yoko Littner one is nice!


mediafire just dont work for me, site is online, but these links on files... "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT"


file is actually working. others already got the file already. how about you download it with different pc