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new post for a new year , and new perks for you patrons . if you notice , i did some changes on my page and i decided to add an additional reward by having a monthly raffle . i don't want to go on to more details about it so just go ahead on the link to read more . tnx again for your continious support . and again happy new year to all of you !!



happy new year to all of you !! this will be my first post for 2015 above is the list of patrons who have succesfully proccessed thier pledges . in honor to that , i will have it raffled and the winner will have the chance to request a piece according to thier pledge .



Super pumped this is awesome


How exactly does the raffle work? Is there a a raffle for each tier level or is there one raffle and the winners reward is determined by the tier level? Either way I'm upping my pledge. : )


one raffle only , winner's reward is determined by the tier level :) i forgot to clarify it in my blog post . sorry for the confusion