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As an end of year event, it's your turn to decide which video you'd like to see Megmiria in for next year! 

In the December download folders you can find sample videos for each of the 5 options (the videos have the same filenames as the poll options). Needless to say the proper released video will fix the many clipping issues and such that are present in the samples, as is the norm for my release videos.

All of the videos are a little lewd in nature.

You may select multiple options in the poll, if you can't pick a single one. But try to identify which ones you like since a fully tied poll won't help me know which one to make lol. For now I will only be making one of them into a proper video, but if there's a lot of votes maybe down the line others may get made too.

Voting ends when it turns to 2023 (GMT).



Several great choices, was hard picking only one.


C is great and so is D, I hope whichever one it is has another masterful transition.