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Download links for November have now been sent to all active patreons, if you didn't receive a message with them for some reason, message me and I'll get you sorted out.

Hmm, the previous Ariake Halloween video bombed pretty badly, wonder what was so bad about it. Oh well, no time to dwell on that, it's time for a new release! I thought I did this video with Negev about a year ago, but it was 2 years ago.. and it was worse than I remembered.. So here's my chance to fix it up with Megmiria by making her reactions much more expressive! Hopefully you all find it better than the old one (if you ever saw that).

In addition to that, I received some requests for alternative versions of recent videos and put those together too. Bondage outfit full time choice for Irybelda - Helicopter, and a China Dress outfit for Light Cruiser - Sweet Devil dance version. The China Dress version has some clipping issues which I didn't fix since this isn't a main release, just a request. Fixing would have taken far too much time, and normally I wouldn't release something like this at all as a main release.

In general, I make no promises about doing any requests for extra alternative outfits for videos, time spent rendering them is time I can't work on a new MMD video. It just happened that I was able to fit it in this time. You can always ask, but don't be surprised if I say no!

For any new patreons (above €1 tier), you can find the links to download from the "Welcome Note" that pops up when joining. If you deleted it or didn't receive it for some reason, send me a message and I'll share the details again.



危ない 危険が

Do you have any plans to add an eye mask version?


I did not have any such plans, since I think her reactions are a big part of this video, and hiding the eyes diminishes that. But since you wanted it, I have uploaded a blindfold version now.


Thank you for upload Megumiria movie !! AHEGAO face is very excited! Also, the piston vibe is great! I want to see another Megmiria many dances,please. (2020instillation,エロ蹲踞ダンス2018) I'll be waiting patiently.:)

