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***Update: The normal and iwara versions had a mistimed lighting switch at about 2:23, this has now been fixed. Please redownload the videos to get the updated version! Sorry for the mistake, after reviewing the first draft I changed the timing of a camera cut to better fit the motion, but forgot to adjust the lighting to match too. ***

For a change, we have a double release today! Except both are the same song! But they're different! This is a very old song, so most people probably know there's a regular dance version (actually multiple ones), and an extremely lewd sexual dance on a longer version of the song. So this is a double release of the "sfw" normal dance, and the "r-18" lewdest dance.

The regular dance is the normal naming scheme for the files, and the lewder one is the R-18 named file. Currently uploading now, they should be available soon! I had hoped to finish this by Friday but doing lighting and fixes for the lewd version ended up taking forever.. She turns and twists around too much and the camera spins around, and I had to manually the lights positions for every single change by her and the camera. Even with that, there's one or two moments that I just couldn't get to look consistently lit with the rest of the video, but hopefully they aren't too obvious. 

There's also a small bit of unavoidable clipping in the motion this time, but again it's hopefully not very obvious and you can enjoy this classic lewd dance without all the clipping issues it normally has.

If I had finished on Friday, I planned to try and rush a Halloween themed video out in time for the holiday. But now it's almost definitely going to be too late, but regardless I still will do a Halloween video of some kind. It's just going to be a few days late I expect.

Well that's all for now, enjoy the videos! Remember to check out both versions (normal and r-18) as they're completely different!

For any new patreons (above €1 tier), you can find the links to download from the "Welcome Note" you received when joining. If you deleted it or didn't receive it for some reason, send me a message and I'll share the details again.



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