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Hi guys,

Apologies for so many announcement posts lately, it's like the stars aligned in March between the Vainqueur audiobook and Commerce Emperor's release on Amazon. 

But well, the time has come. The first volume of Commerce Emperor, covering the prologue to chapter nineteen, is now available on Kindle Unlimited and Audible!

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Commerce-Emperor-Progression-Fantasy-Epic-ebook/dp/B0CRF8V452 

Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Commerce-Emperor-Audiobook/B0CTRFSSG1 

As usual, I would be super thankful for any review, shout-out, or just word of mouth. Kindle Unlimited is a challenging environment for non-LitRPG fantasies, so any help is welcome. 

Otherwise, I've also compiled the second volume (chapter twenty to forty-six) in PDF format in the dracolich ebook reserve (link here for dracolich tiers and above: https://www.patreon.com/posts/48625485). Hope you'll enjoy it in this format. 

Here's a fantastic glimpse of the future volume's cover by Dinovoila.

- Next Plans for a comedy/lighthearted work

As I've said in the New Year Plans & closing words of the Commerce Emperor Archfrost arc, I'm going to take a break from Commerce Emperor for some time to refine future outline and take my mind off it. I kinda need to reassess my plans for the series based on feedback I've received from the previous volumes. 

In the meantime, I would be interested in writing some comedy or shorter story; if only because it's an itch that just won't leave and I'm not quite in the mood to write Stars of Sirius yet. I think I'll likely do like always and post short pilots next week, then let you patrons decide which one you'd prefer. 

It would be a short story in any case (or like the first volume of Vainqueur, something self-contained that could expand further if needs be); something of a palate cleanser to counterbalance the darkness of Blood & Fur. 

In any case, next Saturday will be a Blood & Fur update as usual; I'll see if I post another chapter of it on Tuesday or just go straight to pilot proposals. It'll depend on how fast I can write those. 

I hope you'll enjoy them in either case.

Best regards,



Commerce Emperor: A Progression Fantasy Epic

Commerce Emperor: A Progression Fantasy Epic - Kindle edition by Durand, Maxime J., Herald, Void. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Commerce Emperor: A Progression Fantasy Epic.