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Hi guys!

I've got a slew of exciting news to report! Commerce Emperor's KU date has been set, and as the video above demonstrates, The Perfect Run's video game development is in good progress. I thought it would be good to make a general post about those.

- Commerce Emperor hitting KU on March 6th (takedown on February 21st)

The first and arguably most important news: as promised in the New Year adress, Commerce Emperor will make its way to KU. The date has been stopped on March 6th, with a preorder set.

This first 'official' volume covers the one put as a free pdf currently available: the prologue and first nineteen chapters (so all the way to the battle with Florence and Chastel). I originally wanted to publish the entire Archfrost arc in one go, but at this point, it has become so big we decided to split it.

Unfortunately, as per KU exclusivity rules I will have to remove those early chapters around two weeks before the official release; so likely around February 21st.

If you're a dracolich, you may still download the PDF before the takedown date here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/48625485

Here's the Amazon link for those who are interested (audible link should be up shortly):

Link: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B0CRF8V452

As always, I would be super grateful to anyone sharing word of the story's release on Amazon. I know this story seems to have fallen off on Patreon compared to B&F, but Amazon is currently my main breadwinner and any help on that front helps.

- Perfect Run Game News: Demo Development, Psyshock moveset etc...

Otherwise, I have exciting news about The Perfect Run's game development which I've mentioned last year! The team is currently working on an action packed-demo showcasing Ryan's first foray into the Meta-Gang's bunker, which should serve as a good demonstration of the gameplay. The video above is a showcase of their current efforts.

Old readers of The Perfect Run might remember Psyshock: a certain nasty, tentacled telepath with the cruel ability to bodyjack his poor brainwashed thralls. Incorporating that mechanic has taken a lot of time (and they're still working on adding tentacles on that creep) but here's the result: if the player doesn't find a way to neutralize his power, he'll take over the nearest enemy and keep harassing the player across the level. And throw crates at you too.

Neutralizing that ability might take a few loops... and lots of Bliss.

Current efforts are on refining the gameplay/movements, weapons and mechanics first, hence why the absence of definite character models. The team is currently working on the demo's level design, after which you'll see your favorite time-traveler in 3D.

Otherwise, a teaser for a boss battle with a real American giant...

And that's all for today! I hope you're pumped for these new releases, and I'll see you again on Saturday.

Best regards,



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