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Hey guys!

Here it is. We’ve reached it. Build 42, the answer to the ultimate question of Life, the Universe and Everything. It’s pretty staggering to look back and see how far along we are now.

We concepted a lot of the events happening in this build almost four years ago, and seeing them come to life feels almost… unreal. We expected Build 42 to be a long one, but this update became hands down one of our longest yet. Writing it was a veritable roller-coaster, and I hope you can all share a similar experience reading it. I don’t want to say too much and risk spoiling anything, but I look forward to everyone’s reactions!

On the art side, after Russell’s sprite revamp last month, I felt that Zach would be the perfect follow-up to the lion. Zach is a real sweetheart, and I’ve tried to capture that aspect in this new version of the sprite, while remaining faithful to the original vision. I want to say “mission accomplished”, but we’ll see what everyone thinks!

Oh, there’s also a new CG. But you’ll know it when you see it, hehe.

I’ll see you guys next month,

Take care,


Build 42 notes:

+ Common: October 24th

+ Bryan Route: October 25th

+ Common: October 27th

+ Revamped sprite for Zach

+ New CG set added






*vibrates with anticipation*


idk how you guys do it but every single update leaves me at the very least excited for the next I'm so happy to have been on this ride as long as I have and until it stops I'm not getting off this update was beautiful, kind of scary, and has some very intriguing parts to it keep doing what you're doing with this story, it's so genuine compared to most other games in this field and I'll love it forever for that alone much less the killer story and the great cast