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Hey guys,

Following the results of the poll, we had two clear winners: expressions/poses, as well as CGs for the game. So, this past month, I've been working on these two very things, and here's a fresh new sprite that you'll be able to enjoy come next update!

This new sprite will replace the current placeholder "surprised" expression for Nate, showing off his trademark exuberant personality. 

I've also been working on several CGs for our next release, but these will have to remain a surprise until that build is out, hehe. 






His expression reminds me of those anime eyes from characters who look in to the camera as if they were about to kill you... (not that that's a bad thing really) But maybe let him show the tips of his teeth?


I'll try adding some teeth and see how they look. I didn't add them because I was afraid it'd look like he's "baring his fangs", so to speak. I am curious what you mean by your first sentence, however. I always appreciate feedback, so let me know if this conveys what I meant it to (surprise) well, hehe. -Dev


Yeah, I totally get that. It is my concern too. However, you'll figure something out, surely. Ahh... How do I explain this?... There's this "aura" anime people are emanating when they get real mad, then they rip open their eyes. This in particular is best seen in Hunter x Hunter (2011), facing Kurapika's, Killua's and Gon's eyes. These scenes are pretty famous, you could watch them on youtube. Their anger is almost manifesting around them, the watcher feels like. The creators did great job at obtaining a very peculiar artstyle indeed. Now, Nathan doesn't have that intimidating skill, but bits and pieces are found on his face, I would say. He is giving of those vibes, if only on a little scale. But honestly, I was yet again /rather/ trying to be funny, thought you'd figure :p~ Not everything I say is meant to be taking seriously. Though I wonder what you will think of it. Hehe


Ah, with the visual example in mind, I see what you mean, sorry. Don't worry at all, I get it now, hehe. -Dev


I see that you already addressed adding teeth to this sprite, but I'll say anyways that to me, it looks quite uncanny with Nate's mouth wide open and there being no teeth. Otherwise, diverse expressions and poses are "quite the fabulous addition, darling!"