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Hello everyone!

It's the beginning of March, so that means the February build is now available to all on itch.io!


Phew, January was a jam packed month! We've got a new build in store for all of you, finally bringing the game's prologue section to its conclusion! Starting from September 2 in-game, we're now in the first act of Santa Lucia, so expect plotlines to start developing faster  as all the introductions are formally out of the way.

Here's what you can expect in this month's build:
+ Nate's branch at the dance party (Sept. 1st)
+ Have a nice lunch with Karina at the local cafe (Sept. 2nd)
+ A new sprite for a side character in Bryan's route: Diego
+ A new outfit for Karina
+ A new outfit for a surprise character
+ More than a half-dozen additional songs added to the soundtrack
+ By popular request: More dialogue branches and choices!

###  IMPORTANT NOTE: Dzahn had to change the way certain variables  registered for this build and all future builds. If you have an old save  from before the dance party branch on Sept. 1st, we would recommend  loading from there so you won't have any errors in the future! We  apologize deeply for the inconvenience! ###


If you're interested in checking out the exclusive March build, please consider supporting us! Every little bit helps!

If you'd like a more direct line to us, we're usually active on our public Discord server:

We hope you enjoy the build!
~ Dzahn & Dev 



The Mysterious M3tav0X

Hey, I started a new game for this build, but for some reason, in the new game, I can't skip any of the text I've seen before? None of the options for skipping solve the issue, either. The saves I had before downloading this build work fine in this regard; the issue is only with the new games.


No content in Bryan's and Carlos routes?


You are no patron, so you're not allowed to ask this. :P And just saying... He even wrote that they've been buys lately. “The husbandos will make their grand reappearance in next month's build!“ was a quote from build 6. For you that means 2 month. Patience = virtue


Interesting! I haven't heard of this issue yet, but fortunately I know exactly how to fix it so it doesn't happen to players again in the future. Just need to add a little code snippet here and there and it should be fixed up by the next build. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!


Ugh, Zach is breaking my heart. His shirt looks like the globe from Roundabout, and Long Way Home sounds like Last Train Home...a Jojo reference?


Yes to both! Dev is a huge Jojo fan, and I believe he referenced the Yes album cover pretty heavily for Zach's hoodie design.