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Flying around a castle at Fridays...

About work...

I finished the QC. I finished the mailbox picture too, I hope to send them next week.

Also, I started to write the 1.7 version of the game, and I'll try to finish next week the idea  I told last week about the menu with image buttons before start the act 2.

I'm not sure enough if I'll add all the things I want in the next update, probably I'll try to don't burn myself and add just the necessary for the third act. Also, the 1.7 stories will be about the main girls (Ursula, Ada and Rachel) and probably would be shorter than the last ones.

Aside all of that I started to work in a commission, another Lewd Tales cover picture, I had the pencil finished, I hope to finish it tomorrow or so...

Proof of work:

You can expect Elisa and Grace there too...

The picture...

From the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I really love these movies. I had so much fun back in the day with this, not this one in particular, but with the whole saga in general.

I liked the Voldemort's way to survive, I thought that was so original.


Aside work...

Well, maybe this should be in work, but I'm surprising that Lana won the quarterly comic poll.

I had an idea for Elisa, but now I have doubts about Lana, should have some erotic situation in an online class? Or just some kind of problems in the Arcade? Anyway...

After cyberpunk, I can't find the mood to play another thing in serious way, so I'm just played some CS:GO, but day after day I'm becoming worst and worst in that game, so, I'm getting bored with lose.

The book for the read club is so tedious and random, I don't like it, but probably I'd have a good conversation about it if I'll finish it.

Well, I think this is all for now...

The song...

I think this is a nice song for a lonely Friday...

-The Christians- 'Words' - 

I think I shared this one before, right?

I hope you like it!

Thank you very much for your support and your patience.

Take care and keep safe.



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