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What are you doing here?...

About work...

I finished all pictures commissions aside one, I'll make that one about our girls when I'll finish all comics. I finished the pencil version of one of the comic commissions and one of the pages of another one. I finished a few pictures more for the characters commission. I made the mailbox picture and I wrote some things and ideas for the new update of the game.

Here one (censored) panel of one of the comic pages:

The picture...

Sarah Patterson in the film The Company of Wolves (1984) , I watched this movie a long time ago. In that time, the werewolf transformation was incredible and it has a really nice dark ambient. If you didn't watch it, and you like the old 80's SFX give it a try.

Aside work...

First fo all, we have an Idea contest for next pictures of the game, check it


This was a nice week, I think there is nothing special to talk about it.

The restrictrions are the same, the English classes are bored a hell... well, finally I get my laptop in the store, seems like it needs to change the fan and another parts, but, the guy of the store can't change it for some reason and he needs to send the laptop to another guy, well, I'll have no the laptop back until 3 weeks ( but I think will be probably even more)

If I'd have no restriccions here I'd go to another place, but well, shit happens...

Meanwhile, I can focus on Stardew Valley, I'm not good in this kind of games, but it's so relaxing, right now I'm trying to unlock the Cinema on the old Joja's place, I just need the caviar to do it.

I finished one of the books I had on Christmas, the one by Ashlee Vance about Elon Musk, I think is a very nice book if you have some kind of interest in that person. I like it, but it's not my kind of book, I'm happy to finish it.

Now I'm reading Noviolent communication by Marshal B. Rosenberg, it's nice, but I think it's more like a book to check and back to it than a simple lecture (idk if that word works well in this context), but well, it's just my opinion...

The song...

Do you need to do something? One of my favourites to workout.

Rasengan - Turbo Knight - 

I hope you like it!

Take care and keep safe.

Thank you so much for your patience and support!




I think I remember that movie... But only parts of it. I remember as a kid, the cover of the VHS always stuck with me. It's a picture of the girl in the pic you posted, her head to the side, she has her mouth open in a scream and a wolf snout is coming out of it... Impressive in the days before photoshop.


Who you gonna marry in Stardew?


I remember to watched it on TV a long time ago, yesterday I showed the transformation scen to my girlfriend, she freaked out xD

Andreas de Penz

never played stardew...maybe i should :D