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Hey all, 👋

We are currently in the process of hiring new employees.

We hope that the new staff we hire will help us double or even triple our production speed, making us more efficient than ever before. This will enable us to finish Beat Banger even faster and start working on our next game project quickly. We are excited about the upcoming projects and look forward to sharing more details soon.



I don’t know how to code but I’m willing to learn


Where do we send applications?


I think this is what you're looking for. Just fill it out and submit it at the bottom of the page. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScaFFf_i5jemGd4HRYEIXoVrK9VCpgqudw_BccgyJmQeTXtJQ/viewform


Maaan, i wish I actually had the qualifications to apply, I have at most a year and a half of c++ experience from college buuuuuut that was like a year ago and I kinda dropped out


I want to part take in this, where can I see the qualifications??