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It's time for more content. The next big thing on our list is to make the levels longer. From now on, every stage will be 2 minutes minimum. We should double the amount of playtime you get out of Beat Banger. 

Screen Flash Bug Fixed

Some of you may or may not have encountered this bug. Whenever you switch between scenes, there used to be a chance that the scene would load before the transition element would appear, causing the screen to flash for a short time. We've completely rewritten how the "FX" game class works, so you no longer have to worry about that eyesore of a flash.

Native Debug Functionality

I've been receiving a lot of questions regarding the console. We've changed the console's accessibility to core developers only because we will make all useful console commands available natively within the game. For example, the hands-free command is a reward for doing well on levels. And the hide HUD command will be added as a level modifier you can unlock in the shop.

Custom Game Over Screens

You can now have a custom game over screen for your modification simply by adding a game_over.png file in the images folder in your mods directory. 

Dynamic BPM Framework

Dynamic BPM still needs to be fully implemented, but the framework is there. Rather than having the BPM in your settings configuration file, it will be in your keyframes configuration file. You can now change the BPM on whatever beat you desire. Keep in mind that this feature still needs to be finished and may cause your level to be buggy.

That's all for now!~ ✨



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