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Hey hi, I took a quick break at the start of the month to rest my wrist and eyes but here I am.

Elle and Roy are experimenting. And so am I. I had an idea for another little series of drawings and thought it'd be fun to have a dumb little preamble. (Only realizing halfway through that this is for an NSFW account and nothing NSFW was happening but...)

Some of you might know I make a comic too and I've always wanted to try some little NSFW comics too. Problem is comics take a long time to make and unfortunately I'm also super slow. So I wanted to see how quickly I could churn some out. I think this took about 2 days? Not constant of course. But 99% of what I draw are original characters and you all seem to be here for that. And giving them even something small to say is enough to make a little character pop. I should probably start developing some of these dudes.

I was also experimenting with different ways to draw it faster which is why each little page might look slightly different. It's also nice just blowing off some comic making steam because it's gotten harder for me to make them for some reason. But being able to make little comics quickly while also still looking good is a bit of a white whale of mine. So maybe doing some more of these I can develop a style and workflow that'll make that happen. I'm not gonna be doing a full-on NSFW comic or anything. I'd just like to make more sequential stuff. Put some guys in situations. 

(Also, another thing keeping me from doing NSFW comic stuff. The dialogue. Man it is so hard to make dialogue not sound so weird and corny in an NSFW situation. In my opinion. So I guess we'll see how that goes too.)

It's early in the morning and I haven't had sugar so I'm just rambling. Sorry for the lack of hard-NSFW for this first post. Especially after a longer break. Hopefully this is satisfying enough. But I'm also the weirdo that thinks stuff like this is waaaaay hotter than most hard-nsfw material so who knows.



Gil Procureur

Well you overdid yourself. It’s absolutely gorgeous and exciting !!!


crossover of the century!!