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Don't worry, I'm still working on it.

But the next update is still not ready. Regardless I didn't want to finish this month without posting anything. I thought it would be awkward.

The Next Update
This update is going to feature heavy amounts of dialogue even though the story is linear other than isolated important choices. I've tried plugins like VaMStory to quickly create dialogues but when it comes to choices and triggering certain things, it limits the scope I have in my mind for this scene.

Anyways, I had to do a lot of tweaks to the dialogue, change lots of stuff, redo some parts of it etc. And every character is going to be voice-acted by AI to make the story and the characters somewhat more immersive.

Since the story is so heavy in this update, I decided to spend more time on the different sex sequences it will lead to and also polish the dialogues more.

I want this scene to be worth keeping for the sex sequences, even if you don't care about the story and I don't want to make you download 500MB of a scene just to end up listening to some dialogues or for a bunch of simple sex position loops.

If I had to give an ETA for the update, I would say best case scenario it will take a couple days and worst case, it'll be a week.




I'm going to do some interesting stuff with the sex scenes, add on top of what I've done with Proper Plank. And I can't wait to see you experience it. My hope is that you will appreciate the wait when the update is released.


You're an artist, not a "content creator" popping soulless scenes, take your time!


oh this looks epic.