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Check Hub for NSFW gif: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/series-iv-misc-the-end.25736/

Get Jill here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/jill-valentine-resident-evil-3-remake.23628/

Changed to Series IV.

Series III is going to be renamed, so the "High Quality," name is gone. I felt like it implies that my other stuff is bad quality :D So I will come up with another name. It's probably going to be related to my "big project."




I think you need Jill, right? Or is it all packed in the var? In any case, It is listed as dependency on hub, but somehow it says "not on hub". Probably this is the resource: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/jill-valentine-resident-evil-3-remake.23628/ Also, the ahegaofy got me lol.


Yeah I forgot that the download link wasn't on the Hub. Was wondering why the scene didn't show up as Hub-Hosted, I guess that's the reason. And yeah that's the Jill I've used in the scene.