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Hey gang, 

Checked my follower count this morning and it's now at 600 paid patrons! As promised, here's a commemorative full-color pin-up of my Powerpuff Girls -- including a bonus alt version! 

The follower count tends to fluctuate during the month, so it'll probably dip back down below 600, then above again, before the end of February. But either way, this is a significant milestone and something I never thought I'd see. 

I've been running this Patreon for 5 years now, and I started it on a lark just to see if I could make some money for doing what I love, what I'd already been doing for free for years on the internet. I've met and interacted with so many kind and thoughtful and enthusiastic fans during this time, and connected with my audience in a way I never had before. So I mean it when I say thank you, each and every one of you, whether you've pledged for a single month or if you've been here from the very beginning.

Some scheduling notes: I have lots of great stuff planned for the rest of February. Every week I'll be sharing a new full-color pin-up. I'm still working on Daphne & Velma vs. Tentacles, and I now plan to make that available starting March 1 (One new story per month seems like enough, and Emma Frost: Bimbofied has been a great success).

Enjoy the pin-up, and stay tuned!

