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Hey folks,

After releasing a new chapter I always like to get feedback and responses from my readership. So,  for those of you who bought and read the new story.

So what did you think? What were your favorite parts? What would you have done differently? What would you like to see in the future? Feel free to leave any and all feedback, positive or negative, here in this thread.

ALSO: I did produce a second, alternate ending to this comic, featuring a few extra pages, that leans more heavily into an unambiguous snuff ending. Ultimately I decided not to include it. BUT if you bought the story and want to see the alternate ending, send me your proof of purchase in an email and I'll send you a download link, free of charge. My email is benchleyfan01@yahoo.com.

Cheers and thanks again to those who support my art by pledging here and buying my new comics!





Hello, I loved it but I admit I prefer Whores of Darkseid. I prefer the fact that Darkseid collected the heroines liks slut like before Wonder Woman, than Power Girl, Starfire,... The fact that Wonder Woman is already dead in this story feels strange. I love Wonder Woman, so mayby the story of her being fucked and raped by Decimus would be cool :)


I know you love Wonder Woman. I love her too. Starting the comic by killing her was a decision I made to subvert reader expectations and raise the stakes. If WW can die, anything can happen


Loved it I love them when they’re so big and just pick them up it’s so hot! Keep up the hot stuff