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Hey folks, Happy New Year! 

Today I'm announcing my first new story of 2022 -- Mandrill: The Fall of Shanna

Just like my previous Mandrill work, this is an adaptation of a Miriam Garrity story, and it is technically a prequel to the earlier chapter, Escape to Paradise. This is another tale from the ape-like villain's past... the story of his final confrontation with his arch-nemesis, the only woman who could resist his pheromone powers... Shanna O'Hara, the Jungle Queen.

I've long been a fan of the classic Frank Cho miniseries Shanna the She-Devil, and the confrontation scene (and aftermath) from Miriam's Mandrill epic is super hot and emotionally charged. Shanna has made it her mission to kill Mandrill, to avenge her father's murder and liberate the villain's harem of disgraced former superheroines.

The chapter runs 32 pages and it is fun. And just like my previous story, Emma Frost: Checkmated, you can get it multiple ways!

1) Go to my Gumroad store now to buy instantly


3) Pledge at the $32 level on Patreon to receive the chapter at the end of the month.

Reach out with any and all questions!



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