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Hey there gang, I have a question and hopefully you can help me out. I've been considering doing another Star Wars story, a sort of bad end for Rey from the Sequel Trilogy. But I can't decide who I'd like to see her paired with. 

On one hand I'd love to do a full story elaborating on the pin-up I did of Rey with Snoke, showing her enslavement and eventual development into a dark, seductive Sith Rey. On the other hand, I'd love to do a humiliating and degrading story where she is sold to a Hutt and becomes his slave girl (complete with the gold bikini). 

What would you like to see? Let me know your preference below! If you mark "Other," feel free to let me know in the comments. 



I mean I want to see both ideas in time to be fair


I’ve seen a few fanfics where Hutts break their slave girls by fucking them with their tail to the point of breaking. I’m sure more people would want to see that over a half baked villain like Snoke.


OK awesome. I initially conceived this as a Hutt/Rey story (with an original Hutt character). It would be based in part by an old story I remember reading on the GreyArchive where Jabba enslaves Sue Storm. That way we would get to see Rey in the gold bikini, see her broken and degraded and eventually complacent and loving of her slug master. But I thought maybe that would be too disgusting to have a Hutt OC as opposed to the more humanoid Snoke, and the whole "Dark Rey" concept is very popular online. But it seems I was on the right track with the Hutt concept in the first place.

Chris Davis

I was thinking Snoke would be more psychological than physical as with the Hutt, but you could make it work either way...


What about Rey finding the Remains of darth Revan and he breaks her and gets a new toy and Apprentice to re-take the galaxy for him to rule. How does that sound??


I'd actually love to see both, where Snoke finishes breaking her after her excellent seduction and defeat at his throne, then sells her to the Hutt when he's done with her. But if that's too much, I understand.

J Arco

Rey being mentally broken and physically beaten by a Hutt is amazing. I also love the idea of a prequel story where she's never found/rescued from Jakku (ala Force Awakens) because she had already been turned into a mind-broken whore by the junk dealer, who eventually sells her off to Tusken Raiders who make her their personal cum toilet. A Hutt, Jabba or whomever, is awesome though because she can be completely debased and broken by him, his droids, and his many guards/henchmen. Tattooing her or branding her using 8D8, enlarging her/bimboing her up the more she guzzles his Hutt cum, etc... Maybe the Hutt delights in making the nastiest holo-porn in the galaxy and conditions Rey into a Xeno-Slut, eagerly debasing herself by doing Gamorrean gangbangs and Wookiee breeding sessions for anyone willing to pay. Just some thoughts. Can't wait to see what you cook up. Anything you do is going to be great! :)


I'm honestly a little squicked out by a Hutt pairing, but not enough that I wouldn't absolutely read it immediately


I'd prefer her to put up her best fight against snoke, but slowly being broken like with danerys In your got episode or cammy in game over girls. There would be an extra layer of humiliation and degrading of taking rey down from her innocent, proud, English pedestal to where she truly belongs...wink.


Yeah it felt a bit squicky to me too, which is part of why I put it to a vote. But I think it could be hot if enough of it focuses on Rey


Yeah, this kind of scene appeals to me, and the whole bit in TLJ with Snoke/Rey/Kylo could be rewritten easily. I also dig the idea of wrapping up Rey's defeat in a sort of bad ending for the Rebellion/Resistance as well. Without her they have no hope. The only thing that bothers me is Rey's hair in that scene is different, and I prefer her other look!


Yeah, I'd want there to be a Gamorrean scene in there as well. Bimbofication as a result of guzzling Hutt cum is also interesting!


I mean, I suppose Snoke could always choose her hairstyle for her, mid way through if you get me


Hard Choice. Like the others, I would be very interested to follow a first part on Snoke to see Rey's gradual fall. And why not with the praetorian guards on top of that. Then a second part with the hutt, to see its downfall. But choose what you prefer. We will watch your choice with great interest


Seems like the Hutt is getting more support here than I would have expected! I'll continue to think about it, this project probably won't materialize for a long time


Yes - QOS Sith Rey ‘bred out’ by a crazed Fin.