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Hey folks,

It's a busy time over here at Pegasus HQ... I've got a lot of projects cooking right now, some new, some familiar. I'll be making announcements about a new story in October, and I hope to have Whores of Darkseid #1 REMASTERED ready for you by the end of November. 

In the meantime, I've been filling my time sketching out Remasters of some classic Submission Agenda stories. It's a really fun exercise, as it allows me to not only visualize elements of these chapters that I didn't include on the first go-round, but also re-conceptualize the pages I have drawn, cleaning up layouts and adapting them for my current style. Nothing I can share right now... but I'll have sketches to share in the next few months. If you have any questions, you can always ask ;)

But basically, the long and short of it is this... Which classic Submission Agenda story would you like to see get a full REMASTER first? And why?



If you redo sue r u gonna make her look like Jessica Alba like you did with scar jo?


That’s not currently the plan, no. I would want Sue to more closely resemble her comic book appearance


I really want to see Rogue redone, but Sue Storm probably needs it more.


Also to be clear, that’s the original Psylocke “dream rape” chapter


I won't lie... I'd like an Elisabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch corruption.


I would def like to lean her facial resemblance toward Elisabeth Olsen, but I just don't dig the MCU outfit, even the new one from WandVision. I'm leaning heavily toward either the classic red one-piece or the gypsy costume


Sue Storm taking a pretty commanding lead in this poll... I'll have good news for all of you soon :)

J Arco

Any chance you might consider doing a side-story/chapter involving Darcy Lewis? Or maybe Jane Foster? Or both? Would LOVE to see Darcy get brought into the fold. While not a Superheroine, I know I would want to have Darcy in my personal harem of bimbofied fucktoys.


I probably have too many superheroines to get to before I think about side pieces like that, haha


There's a comic floating around out there about the scene where Scarlet Witch forces Black Cat to go to prison. Not sure if you were the artist, though. If you were, it was a long time ago with a different style.


I did do that comic years and years ago, before I developed my modern style. I would like to revisit and update that one as well, absolutely