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Hey gang, 

It's been a few days since the new Submission Agenda: Enchantress Enslaved chapter dropped, and hopefully those who pledged have had a chance to read and thoroughly enjoy it! I know I enjoyed creating it for all of you. 

I've now done four of these Submission Agenda Remasters, and I have to ask -- which is your favorite, and WHY?

And which classic Submission Agenda chapter would you most like to see get the Remaster treatment NEXT?

Also feel free to sound of with your thoughts or favorite parts of the new Enchantress chapter! Consider this the Submission Agenda discussion thread. 



I think the Sue Storm one is probably the one most in need of a remaster at this point as I think that was one of the earlier ones from memory


Mockingbird + Spider-woman, and Dark Phoenix


These chapters don't need to be remastered. Just shadowing and pencil adding.


I'd love the Wanda one. Would be apropos too since her show is pretty recent.


I would love to go back and remaster that one too. There’s actually a lot I would add. It would probably wind up being like 50 pages long lol

J Arco

Agree that Sue Storm/Richards could use an update; super excited that it might be coming soon. Anything with Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) is ALWAYS appreciated! ;)


Cool to see Captain Marvel doing so well in the rankings! What makes that your favorite, if you voted for it?


Enchantress was the first submission agenda I read I think, it was certainly the one I enjoyed the most at that point for sure


She Hulk and Black Widow had a very great story, hardcore stuff, superpowers ....this is the was the best one to my opinion, and the art was awesome

Miriam Garrity

Loved the bit win Enchantress where she has to cum with every stroke in her ass.