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Hey folks,

As you might have expected, I've decided to make the full chapter of sketch pages available to you, my Extras patrons. That's 44 pages that will outline exactly what's in store for Sue Storm in this degrading, devastating story. 

I think you'll be able to parse some of the plot through the shorthand dialogue I've roughed in, but some will remain a mystery in this unfinished state. A lot of this chapter has to do with humiliating Sue and breaking her down psychologically to the point where she'll be weak enough for Miles to fully enslave and convert her. But the finer points of exactly what he does to each of her teammates probably won't come across here. 

For example... Sometimes in these sketches you'll see Sue looking up in horror at a blank screen. Trust that I know exactly what's going to go on those screens... I just haven't drawn it yet. It'll be filled in... in the final version. 

I trust many of you don't read my stories for the plot per se anyway, but if you have any other questions about the story, you can always reach out and ask in the comments. 

Here's the link to download the full chapter.  




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