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Hey there gang, 

As you know, lately I've been going back and "remastering" old Submission Agenda chapters. One of the most requested, most popular old chapters is that featuring Amora, the Enchantress (it's always been one of my personal favorites as well). Lately I've been looking back over it and thinking about what a remastered version would look like. 

One thing that's always bugged me slightly about that chapter is the Enchantress' design. At the time that I designed it, I loved it, and there are aspects that I still adore. I wanted to design something sexier and grander than Amora's classic costume, something that recalled actual Norse designs and looked legitimately regal and divine. I really got to stretch and go full fantasy on it. 

But as time has gone on, I've found myself wishing her look aligned more closely with her actual Marvel comics appearance. I still would want to redesign it, but certain elements like her thigh-high boots, headdress, and corset could still be incorporated. I've been toying around with designs lately and wanted to share a few with you (along with some epigraphs from the comic itself). Here we have Amora in her traditional Asgardian garb, and then undressed, humbled and cum-covered. I've also included an alternate version with a different cape. 

Let me know what you think, what you prefer, and whether you'd be interested in a "remastered" Enchantress chapter!






Definitely would be interested in this as it was the first Submission Agenda comic I read so it's got a special place as my favourite as it stands :)


What's with the swollen belly in the last image?

Miriam Garrity

Absolutely GORGEOUS, I think you nailed the combination of classic Marvel costume and Norse design… and Mythic-level boobs!