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Hi gang, 

I'm excited to share a new batch of sketch pages from my in-progress sci-fi epic, Mothership. 

Here's a brief synopsis: In the 22nd century, mankind has begun to colonize other worlds. Arks full of Christian colonists make deep-space journeys across the vast gulf of space. One such ark is suddenly imperiled when a young colonist, Jacob Shepard, wakes up from cryosleep exhibiting strange symptoms. His family quickly deduces that Jacob has been  infected with a mysterious fertility drug, massively augmenting his sex organ and turbo-charging his libido. But as long as Jake is only surrounded by close family members -- his mother, his sister, and his sister-in-law -- he couldn't possibly pose a threat to them.... could he?

In these pages, you can see how Jacob's "deformed" cock becomes strangely irresistible to his mother Mary, who can't help but stand by and watch as her son relieves himself. Later, after she cleans him off, Mary samples the disgusting white cream for herself in a moment of weakness, and finds it delivers a rapture beyond anything she's ever dreamt, rendering her a moaning, gibbering mess. Next time Mary doesn't know if she'll be able to stand idly by while her son masturbates in front of her.... next time she might have to join in. 

Later, Jacob is visited by his brother's wife, Humility ("Lil" for short), and his strange augmented cock starts acting on its own yet again. More and more, Jacob realizes his dark, unspeakable, taboo lusts are starting to drive his actions....

Mothership is based on the text story The Journey of the Mothership Wilderness by the authors RawlyRawls and Ceebee42. You can support RawlyRawls on SubscribeStar here.

Look for more pages coming soon, exclusively to the Extras tier!




it will be a fun one, Viagralien should be name of this story lol

J Arco

Cannot wait!


Looks interesting, I did not know drugs could infect you while sleeping.


Thanks! My concept is that the ship injected him while he was in cryosleep (perhaps the ship keeps an intravenous flow going to keep the passengers alive, and something got mixed into his IV that shouldn't have been)