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Hey gang, Happy October!

I already sent out a Direct Message to all Patrons with this same info, but I thought it was important to update people in the Main Feed in case you don't check your DMs.

This week I received an email from Patreon informing me that due to some of the non-consensual themes in my art, my page was outside the Community Guidelines. I took some steps to fix things –mostly by deleting old posts – and I'm happy to report the issue has been resolved for now. That said, you may notice some changes and I want to make you aware of them so you're not confused or surprised later.

1) Old Posts: I had to make significant cuts to my old posts and I'm going to have to be more careful going forward. Hopefully this will not be a big deal, as many of you have already read the old stories. I'll still be providing links to the full albums, and I have even posted some on Reddit and other sites at this point. So they should still be accessible even if my old posts are coming down.

2) The $10 Tier: I'm putting theplanned $10 Tier on hold for now, as I'm not sure the content I was planning to publish on it will be within Community Guidelines. Instead, I'll be offering some brand-new Limited Time Tiers in October that I'm very excited to share with you all. If you want WW v. Doomsday and haven't purchased it yet, reach out to me.

3) Main Feed: Submission Agenda: Mary Jane will continue as planned, but some pages may be edited or have dialogue removed in order to avoid concerns. I'm going to continue posting for now, meaning you'll have a page this Friday and every Friday, as usual.

4) Limited Time Tiers: There will be new tiers for October. More on that soon.

That's all for now. I'm not gonna lie, this has been a tough week for me. Things will be a little different going forward. But we'll work through it together.I'm not going anywhere, and I hope you'll stick around too.

As always, I want to sincerely thank each and every single one of you for your support. It feels so great just to share this art with an audience, and every Like, every Comment, every DM I've received makes it so rewarding. Now more than ever, I truly appreciate your patronage.Thanks for reading.

I'm of course available to answer any and all questions about these changes to the best of my ability.

Stay safe out there,




It was a matter of time before they got you too.


Kinda sucks you're gunna have to change the content. Gunna be like when Wwe went from attitude Era to PG era lol. (probs not but I'm a dramatic bitch).

Miriam Garrity

You know what’s going to happen now. We are all going to want to know how to get the unedited, uncensored versions of your stories.


Are you still allowed to make an "unedited" comic, as long as you only post it as an Imgur album link, as opposed to posting the images themselves onto the feed? Also, it sounds like you're saying some of your comics don't break the rules or are just on the borderline and can be modified slightly to bring them into compliance. I'm curious, is this because Patreon's rules are making a distinction between comics that depict mind control versus physical coercion?


From what Patreon has explained to me, there is not a distinction between mind control and physical coercion — both are dubious consent and therefore outside of the Community Guidelines. As for imgur links — I won’t be posting links in the feed, as that is also against Terms of Service. But I’ll still be offering uncensored comics on Limited Time Tiers and I’m exploring other platforms for sharing my work.


By that definition the 2 Hot Blondes series would be acceptable to the Patreon Community Guidelines (IMO)


It's a shame that you must edit your work. They will be less "enjoyable" as they do now :( As I mentioned in pm there's another platform you can try called Subscribestar(www.subscribestar.com) Plus you could take a look of integration API between Discord and Patreon, I believe you can map each tier to discord server user groups and publish your work on channels for each user group only.


That sucks! I know some other creators who have run into this issue have switched to SubscribeStar.com. Would you consider trying them out? If anything I wish your work could become even more devious, not less!


I have been considering other platforms but I’m not prepared to announce anything yet


Thank you for the info. I’ll be making more announcements in the coming weeks and months.