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Hey guys,

So I'm still considering adding a new, third, ongoing tier level at a price point of $10.

The way I see it working right now is this -- you'd pledge at $10 and for that you'd get the weekly Friday posts on the Main Feed, plus any and all Extras content I post in a given month, plus an additional 4-5 pages from a second ongoing story. So, you'd get your regular Friday posts, plus a page per week on a different day from a second story (say, Wonder Woman vs. Doomsday or Submission Agenda: Psylocke). This tier would be ongoing until the story concluded, so several months.

Since it seems like at least some of you would support this idea (and others may hop on to give it a try), I may start experimenting with it fairly soon. Do you think the page-per-week model would work for this tier? Or would you prefer a monthly batch dump of 4-5 pages so you could read the story in chunks? Or some other option I'm not thinking of? And what chapter would you want to see first?

Vote below in the poll and let me know your thoughts in the comments.




I'd love to get full stories on a more regular basis. But I understand that might be impractical.


I'd love to make more full stories available! That's why I've been experimenting with the Limited-Time Tiers, offering full chapters in one shot. The main reason I've been keeping those limited is to keep it simple for my own sake. And I still want my monthly $5 patrons to get the most bang for their buck and see my new work first. What stories do you want to see next?


To be clear, if I made Submission Agenda: Lipstick & Lingerie available on a $10 tier, it would run for four months, posting in batches of 4 or 5 pages at a time (18 pages total). If people are interested, I may start experimenting with that in September.